Welcome to Marzipanties!
What is this blog?:
This blog is a thin attempt to justify my expensive lingerie habit by sharing my thoughts on new additions to my ever expanding collection and an avenue share my various epicurean adventures and fitness related musings with the world.
What isn't this blog?:
This is not a fitness, weight loss, cooking or lingerie industry blog. This is my experiences and musings on all of the above.
Why Marzipanties?:
Well, this blog is my attempt to share with the world all that is lovely, sugary, delicious and occasionally nutty. Also, it stuck irretrievably in my head when I tried to think of a blog name.
Who am I?:
Not Jean Valjean. Not to say that his thoughts on lingerie, gender politics, fitness and food wouldn't have been as valuable as or more valuable than mine, I'm just not him. I am a twenty something lingerie collector located in the Pacific Northwest. Clearly, not an escaped French convict. Just saying.
Why am I blogging at all?:
The lingerie blog niche on the internet is filled by talented and knowledgeable bloggers such as Cora at The Lingerie Addict, Sweets at Sweet Nothings and numerous other fantastic writers. Why am I even throwing my hat in the ring? Because you can never have too many hats. Many is the time when in the throes of lust over some new bra or panty set, I have searched desperately for any review to tell me how the object of my affection might fit or be constructed, only to be disappointed.
In addition, everyone has different needs and body types.Other bloggers have different body types and aesthetic preferences than I do and will have different opinions on various pieces.
Also, I need to work on my run on sentence issue. Blogging seemed ideal.
And with that, a bra. So it begins!